Wednesday, July 27, 2011

BFF Visit

Jackson, Maxwell, and I were very lucky to have some special visitors earlier this week... our BFFs came to visit!  Sunday-Tuesday was a bunch of Three-Year-Old fun!  Jackson made a list of 10 things he wanted to do with Lily and we did all of them, except meet our neighbors (they weren't home), plus so much more!  There were lots of firsts for Ms. Lily and lots of Mommy talking time for Alissa and Emily.  Jackson had such a great time running/jumping/playing with his best buddy.  Here are some highlights in pictures...  I have a few more I will add to another post tomorrow.

 Lily and Jackson in the Mississippi River, Lily's first experience!
 Jackson putting the sand BACK into the Mississippi, they'll have to dredge after last weekend!! :)
 #1- picnic outside
 #2 playing in the pool
 #3 Playing "chase"
 Maxwell couldn't wait to be in the water, he wouldn't let me put on his swimsuit!
 This baby loves water even if it's squirting in his face!
 Alissa enjoying some sun
#4 Hiding
 #5 Golf Cart Ride
On hole #2- playing golf!

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