Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 5 - 10 Valentine's Day Countdown

Days 5 & 6:  Ran out of time, because we were in La Crosse shopping and out to  church and lunch and then a Super Bowl party on Sunday.  Ooops.

Day 7:  Valentine's Day Sensory Tub

For this activity in our countdown, I put a bunch of cotton balls, pink/purple/red/white pom-poms, heart beads on string, foam hearts, heart bracletts, and fake rose petals.  I gave Jman a pair of tongs and a cupcake pan.  I tried to steer him into sorting, but he wasn't that interested.  Sorry about the cruddy pictures... my cameras are both on the fritz.

Day 8:  Fun Family Photo- this is to come.  We had our family photo taken for Maxwell's 3 month picture.  Every family picture with a 2 year old is a fun family photo...not. ;)

Day 9: Make a snack with Valentine's Day- we made cookie-- Jackson is just like his mother, eating the batter. We made heart shaped chocolate chip cookies and regular cookies for our playdate the next day.

Day 10:  Valentine's Day Party with friends (no pictures of this)

We played hop on the hearts - where the kiddos hopped on hearts we laid down.  Made them into patterns and ate our heart shaped cookies.  The Mommies made cute little plaques.

Only a few more days until Februay 14th!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a valentine countdown:) I might have to try that next year! Very pretty sensory bin!! I love how the white cotton balls make the red really pop:)
